Your central nervous system is comprised of some of the most essential organs. Without these two components, your body could not function at all. The brain and spinal cord are responsible for every biological process within your body. This encompasses both conscious and unconscious processes – breathing, beating your heart, playing games with friends, etc. Thanks to the miles of nerves that make up your nervous system, you can function typically daily.
The Central Nervous System
As stated before, the brain and spinal cord comprise the central nervous system. This system is responsible for communicating signals to and from the brain and 46 miles of nerves within the body.
First, let’s focus on the brain. The brain is a spongy mass that is comprised of nerve cells and supportive tissues. It has three parts that work together to help you see, think, walk, smell, taste, talk, experience feelings, and more. These three parts are the cerebellum, cerebrum, and the brainstem.
The brainstem connects the spinal cord to the brain. It is also where nerve fiber bundles run through the spine, carrying signals from the brain to the body and back again.
Every process that occurs within your body first appears in your brain. First, an impulse is created, and signals are sent to certain areas of your body through nerves. For example, when you lift your hand off the table, it seems like a straightforward task you do without thinking about it. But the processes that occur in your body before lifting your hand are pretty incredible. First, your brain creates an impulse to lift your hand. Then, the impulse is sent very quickly to your hand to lift your hand. For such an instantaneous process, a lot of work goes on inside your body to make that happen.
How the Body Protects the Most Important Organs
Remember earlier how the brain is just a spongy mass that is delicate? How does your body protect such a fragile part of your body? The answer is the skull. Your skull is comprised of bones that have been fused. Sounds strong, right? Your skull is a natural helmet for your brain. Earlier, we also mentioned the spinal cord. How is this protected? Well your spine provides the perfect tunnel for your spinal cord, offering great protection for your spinal cord.
The brain and spinal cord are the only organs fully surrounded by bone. This should be an eye-opener on how important it is to protect your skull and your spine. Due to this importance, it is crucial to take care of your spine with the help of your chiropractor. Your chiropractor will help protect your spine from degeneration and restore the signaling from your brain to different parts of your body, keeping your body functioning at its optimal level.